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Milx Is a New Form of Fresh Milk Concentrate 

Milx Will Increase the Global Dairy Industry’s Top Line Revenue and Gross Margins While Lowering the Industry’s Carbon Footprint 

License a game-changing technology that promises to fundamentally change the economics and sustainability of milk production. 

This opportunity includes a foundational patent portfolio, an R&D pilot processing line, and a suite of ecosystem partners. Lower your dairy's carbon footprint and dramatically improve profitability with a shelf-stable lactose-free milk concentrate (5X-7X)  ready for export to markets worldwide. 


No other dairy technology will have the IMPACT of Milx.


Contact us for licensing opportunities in your market.


Milx Technologies is looking for licensing partners to acquire rights to the processing technology.

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Commercially sterile and lactose-free

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Reduces 6 tanker trucks of fresh milk to 1 flatbed truck of Milx Concentrate. 



Milx was developed with a major university in the U.S 

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5 Issued Patents

5 International Patents

>5M in Technology Development

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Supply Chain

Leverages existing dairy processing infrastructure and has a 6-month shelf life.

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R&D Pilot Line

R&D pilot line available with patents.

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Reconstitutes to pure original taste, nutrition and texture (whole, 2%, 1%, skim, etc.).

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Projected 5-7x profitability margin.

Sustainability + Profits = Milx

Milx Concentrate reduces milk volume up to 84% and dramatically reduces the entire supply chain's carbon footprint (transportation, refrigeration, packaging materials, labor, waste) while maintaining taste, texture and nutrition profiles.


Pro Forma For Typical Western Dairy Processor
Ask For a Free Pilot Line Evaluation for Your Millk Processing Plant 


Using $3.20/gallon for milk (currently over $4)


Price to Distributor


*Note LF Milk has highest retail price! 


Plant produces 840,000 gallons/day 


Milx process converts your excess Class IV spray dried milk to profitable Class II fresh Milx Concentrate.


2% of raw milk intake offset by Milx pilot line


Your pilot line can process more or less of your excess Milk Production. How much low-value SMP do you produce?


$9 million 

in annual profits 


Capital equipment outlay for this model is <$7M. Excellent ROI and profitability. 

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Michael Lubitz 

Founder & Managing Director 

+1 503-863-4418 

is a registered trademark of the National Milk Producers Federation. All rights reserved. 

© 2023 by Milx Technologies

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